The Corning Education Foundation is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) corporation chartered in December 1994. While the foundation operates independently from the Southwest Valley Community School District, it shares a vision of enhancing education in our schools. The foundation fosters creative and innovative approaches to education through private grants and scholarships. Funds contributed to the foundation support the students and staff to ensure academic excellence.
It is the desire of the trustees of the Corning Education Foundation to establish an organization, which encourages and rewards innovation in the classroom now and in the future. The foundation provides educational enrichment opportunities beyond what is provided within the budget of school. A permanent endowment will be created by collecting tax-deductible gifts. The interest from the endowment will be used to provide monetary support to Southwest Valley Community Schools.
Who benefits from the Corning Education Foundation?
Students… as imaginations are sparked.
Teachers… as creative ideas are encouraged.
Businesses… as an inspired workforce, ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow, is born.
Communities… for improved quality of life and economic growth, which are directly related to the quality of education. By investing in our youth, the Corning Education Foundation is investing in the future of our school and community.
Who administers the foundation?
The foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees seeks funds and sets policy according to its bylaws. The Board of Trustees is a separate legal entity from the Corning Community School District, but cooperates with the district to enhance and enrich Corning educational opportunities.
Who can make a difference?
Your contribution to the Corning Education Foundation will be gratefully received and carefully appropriated to provide educational opportunities for Corning Community Schools.